Friday, December 26, 2014

The Day After Christmas

Venturing the Stores for Sweet Deals?

by ©Peggy Gabrielson

On this day many people are eager to return unwanted gifts; keeping me out of stores until they have been re-shelved and marked down for discounted prices. Until then I choose to spend time enjoying it another way. Making memories with those who mean the most to me. 

Clear blue sunny skies announcing the day with temperatures slowly warming from the prior evening's low of 28ºF energized me on a nice walk in the park. It wasn't a long walk. As my body ages the colder temperatures keeps me indoors most of the Winter season. 

The night before, the front car windshield developed ice crystals. I was prepared for my excursion; wearing layers of clothing to keep in body heat. My plans to enjoy the day in the park, even if it would be shortened a bit due to the cold, would be enjoyed!

How do you plan your day after a holiday?

Favorite Quote: 

Don’t knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while. ~Kin Hubbard

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