Thursday, February 16, 2012

Life Long Learning...

by ©Peggy Gabrielson

I have had the opportunity to personally benefit and enhance my skills in a non competitive supportive hands on workshop at the John C Campbell Folk School. 

My instructor at the time was Larry Green published author and woodcarver,  recommended to me by my friend and master artist Helen Gibson. Helen is the resident artist woodcarver at the John C Campbell Folk School, and has been since 1990.

For the last two years, every month for three days, I hang out with a group of talented individuals in their own rights with Helen. We meet hoping to improve our carving skills, and adding to our gift giving selection of our handmade carvings. It is a time well spent... while carving we share topics of current events. Politics and religion for example being all well aware that the two should not be discussed in an open group forum as this. Our philosophy view points do not differ from one another so it is a safe round table of discussion. We share, giving in harmony with no division. Who can argue with our wisdom?

This is the workshop "Caricature Carving" I participated in at the John C Campbell Folk School... take  the opportunity to enjoy a course there, it is well worth it! I am a Life Long Learner~ing... in more ways than one!

John C Campbell Folk School
Larry Green
Helen Gibson

Inspiring Creative Minds... 

Capturing the essence... Life is good in the country... wish you were here!


  1. WOW! all the carving are "WOW" evrybody did a amazing it


Thanks for taking the time to comment! Inspiring Creative Minds!